Our Values


We believe that rail transit must be central to any attempt to make Texas roads safer.

New Urban Life

We believe that the cities where the majority of Americans (and humans!) live can be more humane, more liveable and more pleasurable – and that rail is a crucial element in that vision.

Climate Change

We believe that climate change is real, human-driven and must be combatted through weaning our society from its dependence on fossil fuels, including car culture.

Public Ownership

We believe that transit services, including rolling stock (trains), stations and rails, should be under public ownership to ensure efficient shared use and maximum public benefit of this monopoly.


We believe that rail is an important tool for integrating those who are marginalized by our society, especially those with disabilities that prevent them from driving, and those who are economically marginalized and cannot afford automobile transit

The Love of Trains

Finally, we believe in rail transit as a pleasure and joy. We celebrate the landscapes, relationships and experiences that come from rail transit and we seek to share it with the world.